in Search Engine Optimization

Python Scripts from MozCon 2019

I had the opportunity to present at MozCon this year.

My presentation, on the topic of “redefining technical SEO” was littered with various Python scripts. In an attempt to keep them all in one place, I’ve embedded them into the following post.

I will update this later with greater explanations about what each one does, and how you might use them.

Jupyter Notebook that input outlink from Screaming Frog crawl, grabs PA & DA from Moz API, and uses WHOIS API to determine domain availability.

Extract Entities from Search Results using Google NLP for Keyword Research Opportunities

Get stats from reddit keywords

See Reddit Data Mining with Python

Download auto-generated subtitles from a YouTube playlist and do a term frequency analysis

Automatic 301 Redirects with SpaCy

Use Text Summarization Algorithms to Help Aid the Writing of Meta Descriptions

See Reducing the time it takes to write meta descriptions for large websites

Automate Keyword Profiling with AudienceView – Requires and existing Crosstab Report

SEO Split Testing Example with CausalImpact